Loka Towns

Form your town and fight to become the Capital of your continent and all of Loka!

Build Tall & Wide

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Towns allow you to take part in Loka’s core feature, Conquest! Fight against other towns to prove you are the best! Claim victory in the form of continent or even world capital and get to choose special policies!

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expand your territory

Claiming new territories outside your home tile allows you to make permanent changes to that land without it regenerating. Outsiders are also not able to damage or place blocks, providing you hold onto the territory. You can use this to build underground transport systems, extra defenses, or just cool-looking builds to compliment your town.



You can join forces with other towns on your continent to form alliances. This combines your territories and fighters allowing you to take on bigger and more powerful foes. You are also able to change your alignment to other towns modifying the color of all their member’s nametags. Will you mark them as a friendly or enemy?

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town permissions & block log

Manage your town by choosing which ranks can place radars, start fights, recruit members, place TnT, zone, etc. You can also view logs of your member’s actions and if someone turns rouge, server rules mean staff can revert any damage they cause.


create town colors & banner

Create a custom banner for your town, which will fly proudly at spawn and in any territories you claim. You can also pick a town color, which you’ll wear proudly as you march into battle.


town questing

Take advantage of Loka’s extensive quest creation tools to make exciting content for your town and its members. Or use it to create lore about your town, its story, its people, or about yourself. The only thing holding you back is your imagination.


start a religion

Religions must be created on a territory, which then becomes the holy site of that religion. Praying in the holy site provides double faith, so choose your location carefully. Religions get their own chats with custom titles and you can continue to grow by converting other players to your faith.