Loka Conquest

Stake your claim. Leave your mark. Become Legend.

Starting Fights


the map

Each continent map is split up into well over 100 unique territories. It can be used to see where towns are located, who owns territory, active and upcoming battles, and more!

Mesa Generator.png

territory generators

Every territory has one generator, and whoever owns it controls the territory. They can have up to 4 modules equipped to aid the defenders in a fight.


inhibitors and attacking

Inhibitors are the structures players create when they want to attack a territory whether owned or unowned. An inhibitor can only ever have one module equipped to aid the attackers in a fight.

Every territory has one inhibitor pad located in it. When the pressure plate is stood on, the structure expands and a fight is declared. After a period of time, the fight officially begins.



Defenders have the option to call reinforcements when they are being attacked. When reinforcements are called, it will announce the fight to everyone on the server. From there, players can register as a mercenary to warp for either the attackers or defenders in the fight, after being approved by the side they request.



Once the period of time after the fight being declared has passed, both sides will be able to warp to the fight. Every town can construct a warp beacon, which is used to teleport you to the battlezone. This can only be used once every 8 minutes and warps your members in waves.


discord fight notifications

Get notified whenever you are under attack or your town is trying to claim an enemy’s land.